Inclusivity - United by the impact of Hip-Hop! For creatives by creatives.
To leave an indelible mark that shapes the future, just as hip-hop forever altered the cultural landscape.
By the culture for the culture.
Collaboration, Intention & Impact.
Amori Sounds, established 2018 in the Bronx borough of New York City, is a black-artist-owned music production group and publisher founded and led by music producer, Lovett Evans.
At its core, Amori Sounds thrives as a diverse music production collective, bringing together under-represented film composers, top 40 music producers, and sound designers from all over the world. Their unified efforts are dedicated to crafting exceptional music that enhances your audiences experience and leave's an indelible mark that shapes the future, just as hip-hop forever altered the cultural landscape.
Quarterly, Amori Sounds proudly showcases and promotes emerging artists and composers by providing a safe platform for collaboration, growth, expression and opportunity in today's music industry.
Through unwavering commitment to authenticity and niche, We only seek to work with prospective clients who not only believe and love what we do, but trust in our expertise, knowing we do it the best. Amori Sounds has an itch for artist collaborations, hip-hop trailers and scoring to picture. We've also curated a niche catalog of anomalous hip-hop production music serving an array of sub-genres and moods.
Our collaborative etiquette allows us to engage with clients in a manner that ensures that each project receives the proper attention and strategy in order to deliver the sonic impact needed to enhances the visual project and campaign goal at large. This makes us the preferred choice for your custom music needs.
Our Clients